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Vacancy: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Creative Technologies, Institute of the Creative Technologies, De Montfort University Leicester – deadline 11 April 2016

The successful applicant will work with the IOCT and LMS, and should either practice in the digital arts, taken broadly, and/or have a research record of studying or supporting some aspect of such practice. Practice based expertise in creative media technologies will be an advantage, as will an ability to enhance the Media Design Production (MDP) Subject Group area in LMS, which includes Graphic Design (interactive), Game Art Design, Animation and Media Production.

IOCT Salon (video): Sarah Angliss, 10 April 2008

Sarah Angliss at the Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT), De Montfort University, Leicester, UK on 10th April 2008. Supported by the Arts Council England. Thinking beyond the screen and mouse With live demos of Clara 2.0 (a theremin-playing robot doll) and other curiosities, Sarah explores her own approach to digital arts. Her work may use computers and embedded microprocessors – … Read More

Howard Rheingold becomes Honorary Doctor of Technology at DMU

The IOCT is delighted to announce that on Wed 16 July 2008, IOCT Visiting Professor Howard Rheingold will be awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Technology at De Montfort University. IOCT Director, Professor Andrew Hugill, said: “IOCT colleagues have been working with Howard since the Institute was opened in 2005 and we have greatly appreciated the time and energy … Read More

Refugee Week 2008 event: Conflight, Flight, Sanctuary? Leicester, 16th June 2008, 5pm – 7.30pm

Part of Refugee Week 2008 ( Conflict, Flight, and Sanctuary? Monday 16th June 2008, 5pm – 7.30pm Clephan Building – Room 0.03 De Montfort University Bonners Lane (from Oxford Street, first gateway on the right through the courtyard) Leicester LE1 9BH An opportunity to explore the journey of an asylum seeker through discussion and creativity: International Red Cross speaker … Read More

IOCT Salon (video): The Future of Language, 28th February 2007

New technologies have had a major influence on the way we communicate and use language today: punctuation and capital letters are being dropped in favour of emoticons, letter-number homophones and acronyms. But are email, instant messaging and mobile text messaging degrading the language? This question surfaces in debates among writers, language professionals and academics, as well as among parents and their children.