IOCT Salon (video): The Future of Language, 28th February 2007

New technologies have had a major influence on the way we communicate and use language today: punctuation and capital letters are being dropped in favour of emoticons, letter-number homophones and acronyms. But are email, instant messaging and mobile text messaging degrading the language? This question surfaces in debates among writers, language professionals and academics, as well as among parents and their children.


– Nadine F – editor/designer, Wordrobe Magazine
– Simon Perril, Poet and Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing and English at De Montfort University [ ] – Jess Laccetti, Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer at De Montfort University [ ] – Hugo Worthy, Writer and Archivist
– Chris Joseph, Chair [ ]

This event took place as part of cultural eXchanges, an annual event hosted by the Faculty of Humanities at De Montfort University.