Call for works – Inside the | An Exhibition Online Gallery – deadline 30 November 2014

When Inside the White Cube first appeared in Artforum in 1976, its impact was immediate. Without a doubt, O’Doherty was the first to explicitly confront a particular crisis in postwar art as he sought to examine the assumptions on which the modern commercial and museum gallery was based.

Concerned with the complex and sophisticated relationship between economics, social context, and aesthetics as represented in the contested space of the art gallery, he raises the question of how artists must construe their work in relation to the gallery space and system.

But, what happens nowadays when this relationship takes place between the post-modern commercial and museum gallery and Digital Art?

Despite the fact that both Digital Art and have the ability to dissolve this dependence, does it seem that it still survives as a decisive factor in their future development, and social reception?

Furthermore, what can Digital & do inside the White Cube?

Taking this into account, Inside the | An Exhibition Online Gallery seeks for digital works that deal with a wide range of issues in connection with this theme by taking the Virtual Whit3 Cube as an essential part of the submitted piece.


Inside the | An Exhibition Online Gallery
Concept & Curatorship: Bernardo Villar

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