Version>07 – deadline 7 March 2007

Version07 call for participation.
Deadline March 7, 2007.

An unconventional network of creators, workers, musicians, organizations, artists, activists, producers and organizers are collectively waging asymmetrical warfare on the established systems of control in our cultural, political and art worlds.

The Insurrection Internationale is a moment. It is a point of confluence between various networks and subcultures that believe in the solidarity of our multitudes. Together we are waging a revolt against established systems and authority to create new worlds to inhabit. We are creating alternate realities, independent economies, developing alliances and infrastructures to support our beliefs. We are engaging in a culture war against the establishments in all their guises.

This year Version will explore the various networks undermining the forces of stagnation, decay and business as usual. Individuals and groups involved in creating alternative modes of operations, communications and networks of cooperation are invited to our annual convergence this spring to discover the plausible worlds we can create together.

“This is the final struggle/Let us join together and tomorrow/The International/Will be the human race”

Version is a massive complex DIY festival with many components. Choose your own adventure.

To submit a project to Version07 we ask you to select a category or platform
And look at our call for participation site: