Qwartz Electronic Music and New Media Arts Awards – deadline 1 September 2011

Qwartz launch the eighth edition of Qwartz Electronic Music and New Media Arts Awards. Registrations to the New Media Arts category are now open. Qwartz prizes reward the different aspects of digital culture such as new and electronic music, audiovisual and graphics, new media art and technological innovation.

Qwartz New Media Arts 2012 | Sound in process
Registration before 09.01.2011
///// Qwartz 8 | Sound in Process /////
New Media Arts category rewards innovative works integrating new
technologies and media in their own creative process and involving sound creation in particular. Are accepted every artwork dealing, using, expressing and/or processing sonic material and presenting it through innovative and creative media and supports, such as sound art, audiovisual installations and live performances, real-time processing… Sound work published on commercial aids won’t be accepted. Digital works not dealing with sound (or a little) neither.

///// Terms of enrollment /////
Qwartz 8 are open to works produced after January 1, 2010. Artists, groups and collectives from all over the world are invited to submit their works. Registration is free.

///// Selection criteria /////
Works are selected according to their artistic interest and their sound and technological aspects.

///// Jury /////
The names of the jury members and President(e) will be known in September, 2011.

///// Schedule /////
06.15 – 09.01.2011: Registration
11.15.2011: Release of Qwartz 8 nominations
End of March, 2012: Awards Ceremony (Paris – date and place tbc)

///// Qwartz New Media Arts Award /////
The Qwartz New Media Arts prize-winner will receive a financial endowment.

///// Registration /////
Registration has to be made per e-mail to nma8 [at] qwartz [dot] org
See the Call for Participation: http://qwartz.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/qwartz-8_call-for-participation_new-media-arts1.pdf

///// Further information /////
nma8 [at] qwartz [dot] org // +33 (0) 1 40 21 31 68