NF 08: Mosaics – deadline 1 March 2008

NF08: Mosaics will examine the wide array of works that are found within Media Arts. Works for the festival should examine relations of cross-cultural media – through video, sound, electronic music, internet, print, and writing. A mosaic has traditionally referred to art which takes pieces of a part to create a whole. The word has been used in multiple references across literature, media, science, software, video, and religion to describe different constellations of this phenomena. To quote Sean Cubitt, ‘A newly global connectivity creates new arenas for interaction between science, art, and technology, but also creates the preconditions for global crises.’

In recent years many political scientists and economists have discussed the equalizing effects of the internet on global culture. In addition to film, music and visuals and installation art series, NF 08 will be creating shared media pieces connected via the internet and wireless performance. These pieces will have the ability to become part of a larger discourse on all platforms including audio, video, textual, design, locative, and performance. NF will be looking for applications that incorporate artists’ personal work associated with the festivals current programming as well as proposals incorporating this greater participatory project.

To find out more about the events within New Forms, please go to Programming includes installation, electronic music (techno, dub, live performance, a/v), presentations and film. NF is always looking to expand its partnerships in the local community as well, and is open to new opportunities with ARC’s, Galleries and Collectives. Please contact with any questions around New Forms Festival 08: Mosaics. Please check online at for submission form information over the upcoming weeks.

Submission Deadline for NF 08 is March 1st, 2008.