IOCT Salon (video): Manolis Kelaidis and the BlueBook, 1 November 2007

Manolis Kelaidis at the Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT), De Montfort University, Leicester, UK on 1st November 2007. Supported by the Arts Council England.

Manolis is a designer and engineer who likes his books to be made of paper. His recent work looks into the future of the traditional book as an interface to access digital content. He is a lecturer at the Royal College of Art and a Fellow at Imperial College’s Tanaka Business School in London. His previous work ranges from designing art exhibitions for Sony to researching at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich.

The blueBook project makes printed pages digitally interactive by embedding circuits in each page printing text with conductive ink. When you touch a “linked” word on the page your finger completes a circuit, sending a signal to a processor in the back cover which communicates by Bluetooth with a nearby computer, bringing up information on the screen.