Eyebeam (New York) residencies Fall/Winter 2013: ‘what is important now?’ – deadline 14 June 2013

In light of tectonic shifts in the overlap between art, culture and technology in recent years, Eyebeam is throwing open its Residency program to a single line of inquiry: what is most important now? We are asking you — the digital creators, hacker artists, creative technologists, instigating curators, researchers and cultural producers — what are the developments that are most in need of support? What are the ground-breaking works that will positively change cultural relationships to new creative technologies? What does technology even mean in 2013 and how can it be creatively used and misused in a way that pushes boundaries and explodes notions of what is possible? What art challenges dominant media narratives and empowers the public? What projects will blow up stale conversations and scale out in gigantic ways? What is the role of beauty within current technological aesthetics?

Call Type: Residency
Start Date: 09/16/2013
On-site: On Site

Eyebeam will grant a minimum of $4,000 to each selected residency project but will consider requests for additional project-based funding up to an additional $10,000 maximum (to be awarded in stages based on mutually agreed on milestones).

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540 W 21st St.
New York, NY 10011