electronic – text + textiles project residency, Riga, Latvia – deadline 21 December 2007

RESIDENCY IN RIGA , LATVIA: electronic – text + textiles PROJECT

The electronic – text + textiles Project (e-t+t Project) invites applications for its Residency in Riga, Latvia, for the year 2008. The Residency welcomes artists, designers, writers, and theoreticians working within or across of the fields of literature and the arts, in particular textiles related. The e-t+t Project encourages Residents, through a mix of conceptual investigations and material productions, to join in a decades-long project among writers and artists involved in the Alt-X and ebr network. This group has been working consistently, not just to replace one technology with another in literary and arts practices, but to give direction and cultural context to technological change and the electronic disturbance.

Artists, designers, writers, and theoreticians who submit a short project proposal and are subsequently selected, become residents at the e-t+t Project. The term of a Residency can be as short as a week or as long as several months. During the period of one’s stay, a Resident artist, designer or writer will have exclusive use of a live/work apartment in Riga, access to artists, writers, and culture administrators working in the Baltics, and continuing access to an extensive network of writers, artists, critics, and scholars working in electronic environments worldwide.

Residents will be free to pursue their own or collaborative projects, although we expect that the Resident’s work should appear in some form in ebr (http://www.electronicbookreview.com/) or at the Alt-X site (www.altx.com). Residents will be expected, also, to meet with members of the local arts and literary communities, either informally or by giving a lecture or seminar at the Residence workplace.

The studio is appropriate for ‘tidy’ practices such as writing, collation of information, digital work, visual research, drawing, and small-scale experimentation and production. Larger productions such as weaving, printing, and so forth shall be executed in collaboration with other venues, which will be negotiated on an individual basis.

Ongoing until Friday, the 21st of December 2007.

For more information about the residency and how to apply please visit www.e-text+textiles.lv

Any further enquires regarding this call please send to:
Anda Klavina at: