Call for Canadian submissions – Who will give up their distinctions? – deadline 16 June 2008



DEADLINE: 16 June 2008

Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society would like to invite Canadian independent media artists to submit proposals for an exhibition on the theme “Who will give up their distinctions?” Expanded cinema, new-media and experimental works will be given preference and Cineworks will fully support the exhibition of the chosen work[s] in our studio space for showing during the first part of September 2008.

The popular mind has become fixated once again on the politics surrounding identity. The focus is not just on how we embody our oneness, but more-so on how others reflect it back at us and/or the world. How can art undermine or challenge stereotypes while at the same time acknowledging that these stereotypes still have power? Does an emphasis on difference avoid or foster real solutions? I am black, white, yellow, red, brown. I am man, woman; young, old. But we are human, simply. How are common distinctions around identity a fruitful creative medium? Is it even ever possible to transcend difference and, if so, why bother? Think about imperatives to declare yourself and the ensuing confusion, but don’t forget how your declarations are received. Is this an age where hybrid identities are usurped by privileged aesthetics? How do hybridity and authenticity intersect? Explore the possibility to simultaneously embrace and transcend our distinctions by asking how much is enough.

Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society was established in 1980 by independent filmmakers and artists working in film. The organization has evolved to embrace a broad spectrum of media arts practices while maintaining a commitment to support artists interested in utilizing film and the cinematic experience.

Artist fees will be paid.

Submissions should include the following information:
– Contact person’s name, address, telephone, email and, if applicable, website.
– Artist’s CV
– Project title + description. Please detail how the work relates to the theme.
– Project overview [ie: running time, format, technical specifications] – Support material [include a SASE if you would like this material returned]

Submissions can be sent by post only to the following address:

Who Will Give Up Their Distinctions?
c/o Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society
#300-1131 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2L7

Questions can be directed to Programs Manager Cheyanne Turions [cheyanne [at]]