Window call for proposals – deadline 26 September 2008


Deadline September 26

Send us your proposal idea, please include all information on the checklist below:

1) Your name, email address, mobile phone number
2) Preferred dates for your show
3) Your proposed show, and how it relates to your practice.
4) Whether your proposed show is Online / Onsite / or both
5) CV
6) Images or other documentation of your work. (JPEG or PDF format is great for images, and for video and audio works we prefer links to websites where we can watch / listen to the work.)

Please email proposals to Nell May ( n.may [at] )

Alternatively, a hard copy can be delivered in person to:
Faculty Reception, National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries,
Conference Centre Building,
Symonds Street, Auckland

We respond to all proposals, but both our Onsite and Online programmes have a limited number of slots.

If you would like more information about Window please don’t hesitate to contact us
