Whole Body Interaction: The Digital Future of the Human Body, Liverpool, 22-23 November 2007

John Moores University, Liverpool, 22 – 23 November 2007

Call for Participation

The aim of this workshop is to promote critical discussion over virtual, mixed and augmented reality and provide attendees with a critical framework for tackling issues.

Bill Buxton mused on what future archaeologist would make of today’s humans extrapolating from our current computer technology and came up with a being with one eye, a dominant hand and two ears but lacking legs, and a sense of smell or touch. He argued for greater involvement in the whole person and their senses in human-computer interaction. Artists have responded to this challenge by exploiting the various technologies that fall under the general banner of virtual reality, and support whole body interaction. Goldberg has also considered how performers are not just concerned with the body and bodily actions but also the relationship between performer and audience.

The first day of the workshop will include short presentations from EPSRC and AHRC researchers that aim to promote discussion. These talks will present the underpinning technologies and conceptual frameworks of whole body interaction. There will also be demonstrations of relevant technologies and art works, based on motion capture and camera vision.

The second day will be small group discussions, leading on from ideas from day one, aimed at delivering a framework for critical analysis and thinking on whole body interaction. Delegates will be asked to bring along their own examples of whole body art works to help initiate discussion.

Workshop Chair:
Dr David England , School of Computing and Maths, Liverpool John Moores University
Byrom St, Liverpool L3 3AF UK
0151 231 2271

To register contact the workshop chair with your name, contact details and a one page position statement. Please see http://lister.cms.livjm.ac.uk/homepage/staff/cmsdengl/AHRC/reg.html for conditions of registration. Registration will be limited to 40 people.

A workshop blog exists at http://www.arts-humanities.net/digital_body for pre- and post-event discussion.