V&A Digital Design Weekend – 20-21 September 2014

Saturday 20 – Sunday 21 September
Free, drop-in, no booking required

Take part in a weekend of free events and collaborative making activities exploring physicality and digital value, coinciding with the London Design Festival at the V&A.
Event page:
DDW programme: http://www.vam.ac.uk/whatson/media/uploads/files/Digital_Design_Weekend_Programme_-_Online_2.pdf

Participants and projects

Paolo Cirio, (W)orld Currency
This artwork illustrates a global currency through the creative formulation of an equation and a trading algorithm for the currency exchange market. The visionary creation of algorithmic trading combines art with the material that governs contemporary society.

James Bridle, A Quiet Disposition: Remembrancer
An evolving database of news reports about unmanned aerial vehicles. Automatically gathering, classifying and analysing information, it exposes the weaknesses of machine intelligence. The Remembrancer, named after the City of London Officer charged with reporting to Parliament, is a daily newspaper generated from the AQD database by movements in the London Stock Exchange, connecting and implicating other datasets by its operation.
Commissioned by the Open Data Institute as part of Data as Culture.
http://theodi.org/culture, http://aquietdisposition.com/corcoran/

Fabio Lattanzi Antinori supported by Bare Conductive, Data Flags
Data Flags is a generative data driven sound installation where large scale screen-printed reactive surfaces explore the invisible patterns of financial algorithmic trading.
http://fabiolattanziantinori.com, www.bareconductive.com

Exploration house, THEUNSEEN, blend biological and chemical matter into material.
Discover the AIR collection, involving wind reactive ink that changes colour upon contact with the air around us. It is intended to reveal the unseen turbulence surrounding the human as it goes about its environment.

Nelly Ben Hayoun, Designer of experiences SETI Institute and guest scientists, Disaster Playground (A Preview)
Join experts and Nelly Ben Hayoun, funding Director of the International Space Orchestra in NASA Ames Research Center. We’ll speculate on future outer space catastrophes and the design of procedures to manage them and assess the risks.
Supported by Arts Council England, co-commissioned through Broadway’s Near Now Programme.
www.disasterplayground.com, www.nellyben.com

Heidi Hinder, Money No Object
Money No Object explores a new significance for material and physical currencies in an increasingly immaterial digital world, where smart payment transactions are imperceptible, but human emotions, creativity and culture, retain value that money can’t buy.
Supported by Creativeworks London and UnLtd.

Raphael Kim, Biohack the Economy
Looking at possible roles of technology and micro-organisms in shaping our socio-economy, narrated through hands-on biological experimentation and set building.

Sitraka, Time Conditioning
Time conditioning speculates on alternative life extending methods. It is a series of ‘handicap devices’ that speculate on our ability to manipulate and slow down our perception of time.
http://sitraka.co.uk, www.nexusproductions.com

Open Collaborative Making
Join our open maker laboratory with projects exploring data in meaningful ways.
Projects / participants include: Weather data & Choreography with The Met Office, readysaltedcode & guests, Microsoft Research, BBC R&D Playlister Fob & Perceptive Radio, Jon Rogers/University of Dundee, Aurora Wearables internet-connected spacesuit with Jon Spooner/Unlimited Theatre & Exeter College, Uniform physical weather apps, REACT prototypes, AHRC Digital Transformations showcase, Penguin Random House YourFry: a meeting of text and technology, Remixing weather forecasts by Natasha Trotman, James Parr and many more.
Supported by The Met Office, Microsoft Research, BBC R&D, RS Components and AHRC.
www.metoffice.gov.uk, www.readysaltedcode.org, http://productresearch.dundee.ac.uk, http://tenisonroad.com/project,
www.unlimited.org.uk, www-exe-coll.ac.uk, http://www.imaginals.net, http://uniform.net, http://www.react-hub.org.uk

Open Collaborative Making: A Digital Perspective ?publication
Edited by Jon Rogers, Irini Papadimitriou and Andrew Prescott
Design by uniform.net
Funded by Arts & Humanities Research Council
Supported by Microsoft Research, The Met Office, UNIFORM, University of Dundee, BBC, V&A
The publication will be distributed for free at Open Collaborative Making.

Flora Bowden & Dan Lockton, Drawing Energy & Powerchord
Two pieces exploring our relationships with energy in everyday life, through visualisation and sonification. These are outputs from SusLab, a European research project around energy use and everyday life.
http://suslab.rca.ac.uk, www.florabowden.com, http://danlockton.co.uk

Dean Brown (Fabrica), THE 7 LAMPS OF MAKING
This re-visits John Ruskin’s essay “The 7 Lamps of Architecture” (1849) as a guide for 21st century making. Open source lighting products embody the principles of good craftsmanship. Does the future of making have philosophical roots in 19th century Arts & Crafts Theory?
www.fabrica.it, www.7lamps.info

The Restart Project
Now that we’ve diverted nearly one ton of electronics from waste, we’re building tools to measure the environmental impact of our community repair events called Restart Parties. Help us conceive of ways of showing the amount of waste we divert as we help you fix your laptop, mobile or kettle.

Daniel Ploeger, Janet Chan and Jelili Atiku, Back to Sender (2014) & Digital Performance and the Politics of Electronic Waste
e-waste installation and launch of AHRC-funded art-science project, which uses and develops strategies in performance and digital art to engage with the political, sociological and ecological issues around electronic waste in countries that export (UK) and import (Nigeria and China) used technology.

Knyttan and Common Works
Knyttan is pioneering the democratisation of manufacturing, giving people the opportunity to design the things they buy. Discover a set of Knyttan’s tools and become involved in the creation of a collaborative knitted artwork that will evolve over the weekend.
www.knyttan.com, www.commonworks.co.uk

Tine Bech, Can a statue be playable?
Tine Bech explores how new digital materials can be used with traditional aesthetics of visual art to create sculptural interactivity.

Kouichi Okamoto, Magnetic Field Record
A suspended device recording and visualising earth’s magnetic and gravitational forces into stunning drawings.
Supported by ICN and co-presented by The Japan Foundation.
www.kyouei-ltd.co.jp, www.icn-global.com

Yulia Silina, The Distant Heart
A computational necklace, developed as a part of the research into the emotional void created when loved ones move away from each other. Tapping into the emerging infrastructure of the Internet of Things, the necklace receives real-time heartbeat data and interprets it into affective expressions.
Supported by Media and Arts Technology Center at Queen Mary University.
www.yuliasilina.com, www.mat.qmul.ac.uk

Francesca Perona & Anouk Sylvestre, Outlines of Inexistence
Investigating the tension between existence and inexistence, Perona and Sylvestre explore ways of transforming visual perception through material interactions and graphic design.
www.francescaperona.com, http://anouksylvestre.com, www.outlinesofinexistence.tumblr.com

The T/Shirt Issue, Open Body Database
An interactive installation that questions how far our idiosyncratic tendencies to increasingly expose ourselves in the digital realm go. Visitors will be 3D scanned, after which their body is open for transformation and mass-exposure.

Makerversity and Maklab
Meet Makerversity and Maklab! Bringing space, tools and creative technologies to people who love making.

Karen Palmer / IF Interactive Film, Syncself
Syncself combines NeuroGaming Technology with film to create a vicarious interactive experience, to portray the philosophy of Parkour.
Partners: Muse, Parkour Generations & Brunel University.
http://theblog.syncself.co.uk, http://ifportfolio.tumblr.com

Codasign, Create Your Own Disobedient Object
Join Codasign’s family workshop and make your own Disobedient Object. Using everyday materials, computers and MaKey MaKeys explore how technology and hands-on making can enable us to communicate important ideas through objects.

Marguerite Humeau & Ka Fai Choy, The Things? – A Trip to Europa. Proposal for Serenading Outer Space Creatures with Stunts, Vibrations, Light, Chemistry, Heat and Live Magic
A fictional trip to Europa, performed as an expedition to Antarctica and conversation with otherworldly creatures, rumoured to live under the ice cap of Antarctica and thought to be the exact replicas of hypothetical life forms.
Supported by Arts Council England, HEAD – GENÈVE and TAR MAGAZINE.
www.the-things-from-an-icy-moon.com, http://margueritehumeau.com, www.ka5.info

This Happened
This Happened will be hosting a panel discussion with a group of creatives, bringing attention to data and privacy issues today.