// transmediale Award 2010 //
// Vilem Flusser Theory Award 2010 //
festival for art and digital culture berlin
03 – 07 February 2010
CTM – club transmediale.10
festival for adventurous music and related visual arts
29 January – 6 February 2010
_Call for Entries_
:: Deadline: 31 July 2009
:: Award Ceremony: 6 February 2010, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Complete call, registration information and online submission form at:
As leading international festivals for art and digital culture as well as adventurous music and related visual arts, respectively, transmediale and CTM (club transmediale) are inviting submissions to the transmediale Award Competition 2010 and the Vilem Flusser Theory Award 2010. Invited are art works, projects and positions that respond to the challenges of our rapidly changing digital, technological and networked cultures. The transmediale Award seeks innovative, experimental and visionary works across a wide scope of form, process and practice that embrace, question and enrich our understanding and relationship to our immersed media and technologically driven society. Entries that exemplify new and critical forms of digital expression and interaction are encouraged, as are works from countries and regions in which digital art and culture are emergent. Submissions of art works for both festivals participate in the transmediale Award 2010 while theoretical abstracts, papers and research oriented positions are invited for the Vilem Flusser Theory Award, with prizes totaling 10.000 EURO.