The New Media Writing Prize 2015 shortlist is out, featuring work by Viccy Adams and Samantha Silver, Jason Nelson, Christy Dena, Rob Witting and Mark C. Marino, Alan Bigelow, the High Muck a Muck Collective, Shaun Hickman, Annie Hitchman and Mashushala Senaratne. The main prize winner will receive £1000 donated by if:book UK. Student Prize: 3 months paid internship at Unicorn Training, Bournemouth, UK, working with Unicorn’s writing and design team.
Vote for your favourite shortlister through the People’s Choice Award, now open to votes. The winner will receive £500.
Attend the free Awards Evening on Wednesday 20th January 2015, 6pm at Bournemouth University where speakers Kate Pullinger, Chris Joseph and Andy Campbell will be unveiling episode 6 of their digital story series Inanimate Alice.