The more things change ?
The 5th Bangkok Experimental Film Festival, March 2008
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Governments come and go. So do coups. The West keeps drawing its ‘roadmaps’, but who’s driving? For some, having no elected government is a terrifying state of affairs. For others, it’s just business as usual.
Change is not impossible. It’s constant. Nothing is permanent. Traditional wisdom ? especially in Buddhism ? says that time is cyclical, a rhythm of renewal and regeneration. But modernity’s clock is ticking. Its history is linear, irreversible, a path towards a different future. Will our history be one of progress, or will it be looped?
Political, social, historical, biological, cosmic? What are the cycles that give shape to contemporary life? Can art interrupt them, or should it work with them, go along with them?
The 5th Bangkok Experimental Film Festival is seeking films and other screen-based work that explores the rhythms and cycles of contemporary life. All genres and styles will be considered, including experimental film and video, documentary, art film, animation, machinima, etc.
Experimental film is not just about technical innovation ? it’s about new voices and new perspectives. It’s about yesterday and tomorrow. It can articulate the furtive connections between the ordinary and the extraordinary, the personal and the public.
BEFF5 is organised by Kick the Machine, Project 304 and the Thai Film Foundation, and is also supported by Multimedia Arts Asia Pacific.
To submit your work, please download the BEFF 5 Entry Form here: and send it with your submission to:
BEFF 5, c/o Jim Thompson Art Center,
6 Soi Kasemsan 2, Rama 1 Road, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Deadline: Friday, 1 February, 2008
For more info please call +66 (0)86 311 6062, or email beff.five [at]