Call for Works: The Musical Metacreation Concert – deadline 20 April 2017

Creators of musically metacreative systems are invited to submit works for a concert of musical metacreation, as part of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Creativity, at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Submitted works can be of any musical style but must involve a performative element andmust involve the use of computational creativity techniques in the creation of the work.

Call for participation – The First Musebot Ensemble – first deadline 1 May 2015

This is a call to participate in the first musebot ensemble. Musebots are “pieces of software that autonomously create music, collaboratively with other musebots”. The goal of this project is to establish a fascinating creative platform for experimenting with musical autonomy, open to people developing cutting-edge music AI, or simply exploring the creative potential of generative processes in music. Musebots … Read More