Sonic Pattern and the Textility of Code – Sheffield, 17 June 2015

SONIC PATTERN and the Textility of Code
Day symposium and night performances

Sheffield, Wednesday 17th June 2015

This event is the second edition of an ongoing series, exploring diverse viewpoints (weaving, knitting, live coding, mathematics, generative visuals/music, and digital making) on how sound, image and threads allow us to both sense the abstract and conceptualise the tactile. This second symposium will focus on code as live material, and material as coded form, exploring in new light thrown by artists and makers increasingly using code in their practice alongside other materials.

10.30am – 5pm, Electric Works, Sheffield

Seven speakers will address the theme from their different disciplinary perspectives:

* Theo Burt (
* Amy Twigger Holroyd (
* Mattias Jones (
* Gemma Latham (
* David Littler (
* Sharon Mossbeck (
* Francesca Sargent (

From 7:30pm, Access Space, Sheffield

Exploring the sonic pattern theme through an evening of intensive patterned sound and light, including:

* Paul Wolinski (
* Theo Burt (
* Tim Shaw ( and John Bowers (
* xname (
* Alex Keegan (Blood Sport) and Alex McLean (Computer Club)

More details:

Sonic Pattern and the Textility of Code is co-curated by Karen Gaskill, Crafts Council, and Alex McLean, University of Leeds.

Part of Sheffield Design Week.

Made possible through funding and support from Crafts Council, the University of Leeds, the CCI Exchange, the EPSRC Communities and Culture Network+ project “Inhabiting the Hack”, the AHRC Digital Transformations Weaving Codes, Coding Weaves project, and the support of Access Space, Electric Work, Danger Noise Audio and Sheffield Design Week.