SIANA 2007 – deadline 15 February 2007

Call for Proposals

The 2nd International Week of digital and alternative Arts organized by the “Théâtre de l’Agora, Scène nationale d’Evry et de l’Essonne” the National School of Telecomunication (INT) and the Town hall of Evry, will take place the 14 -16th March 2007 at Evry (close to Paris) and will bring together scientists, industry professionals and artists with projects, workshops and conferences that focus on the creative use of new technologies.

The topic of this second edition is mobility, “glocality”(global/local), and more specifically the impact and uses of new systems of geolocalisation and mobile communication.

The proposals can take the form of multi-media installations, performances, workshops, or any other form of demonstration. Presentations of unfinished projects (oral presentation, plans, 3D models, etc) and conferences underlining a singular theoretical approach are also encouraged.

A committee composed of public institutions, scientists, and industry professionals will select 5 projects. The winners will receive support (technical/ financial, administrative) for the realization of their projects for Siana 08.

Format of submissions: Short summary 1-2 page with budget, CV, and technical requirements (obligatory by email). Complete document in standard sizes (Pdf, DVD, CD, jpg…. (Email or postal)

The projects must be sent by email to or by mail to Grégoire Courtois / Théâtre de l’Agora, Place de l’Agora, BP 46, 91002 Evry cedex