Research Fellow in Digital Humanities/Digital Performance, University of Sussex – deadline 13 July 2015

The Sussex Humanities Lab in collaboration with the School of Media, Film and Music at the University of Sussex wishes to appoint a fixed-term (4-year) fellowship (Research Fellow) in Digital Technologies/Digital Performance. While based in the School of Media, Film and Music, the appointee will work across the Sussex Humanities Lab in collaboration with colleagues in History, Art History & Philosophy, Informatics, and Education and Social Work.

The University of Sussex has recently committed to the creation of a new research centre, The Sussex Humanities Lab, bringing together staff with expertise in the digital humanities from across the University. The successful candidate will work with Lab members, individually and with colleagues in the School of Media, Film and Music and the wider University, to develop a portfolio of digital projects, both on their own, and in collaboration.

They will also have an opportunity to teach at undergraduate level, both in digital humanities, and in other areas suited to their expertise.

The School of Media, Film and Music combines rigorous critical and historical studies of media, film, music/ sound art, and culture, with opportunities for creative practice in a range of musical, sonic and performing arts, and interactive art forms, using media including photography, film, radio, digital imaging and sound, net art and live coding.

The ideal candidate will have a demonstrable track record of work in performance technologies as a theorist and/or creative practitioner, with clear evidence of technical expertise in all cases. Candidates with knowledge of one or more of the following: creative software (e.g. Max/MSM or PD, SuperCollider), app development, graphic and games programming (e.g. Open GL, Unity), physical computing, are particularly encouraged.

A secondary expertise in a field of research connecting with the expanded field covered by the SHL is also required. For instance engagement with corporeal or media archaeology related computing.

The person appointed will work within a lively and intellectually vibrant research centre to help deliver a new vision of the humanities – as a field with digital resources and critiques at its heart.

Good communication skills, a commitment to innovation, and an ability to work productively as part of a cross-disciplinary team are essential for this position.

For an informal discussion of the post, please contact the Professor of Performance Technologies, Sally Jane Norman, in the first instance by email at: s.j.norman [at]

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