Remix Piplotti competition – deadline August 2008

Call for submissions: Pipilotti Remixed!

Throughout her current exhibition running from 27 June until 31 August, FACT would like to invite you to remix Pipilotti.

Pipilotti Rist’s practise can be understood as a constant remix of fantasy and the everyday, creating works that subvert the music video, merging music with the female voice and body through electronicmanipulation.

Whether you are a big fan of Pipilotti’s, a filmmaker, an artist, musician or producer, watch Pipilotti’s video works online then submit your own remix to win…


1. Take one of Pipilotti’s videos from YouTube, or at, edit it, mix it, play it backwards, chop it up, create your own soundtrack for it, or video yourself performing your own version of it.

2. Upload it onto FACT’s Youtube channel:

3. Email the web link to your video to: competition [at]

4. We’ll profile our favourites on the BBC Big Screen

5. Competition winner will be announced on 01 September 2008

Good luck – FACT looks forward to seeing all your entries!