Regina Célia Pinto’s “Nests & Magic”

“NESTS & MAGIC, some different ways of creating Cyberliterature” at

The book is a non-linear narrative created using different processes. It was based on “The Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino and on the “Furnarius Rufus Village” by Celeida Tostes (Brazilian artist). English version: Sabrina Gledhill.

Table of Contents:

1) Prologue: Nests & Magic, a magic experience

“I immediately felt that that this wasn’t a coincidence. It couldn’t be. I had found the nest precisely on the day when I was going to visit an exhibition by Cleone, who had studied the art of clay with Celeida, and when I was just getting starting on a new project that was precisely about the Furnarius Rufus Village … I’m absolutely convinced that this was the way Celeida found to communicate with me from the dimension where she now dwells. ”

2)- Question: Rufus, how to introduce the modification of the urban space: cities without walls, rumblings and rage?

A text and a “game – machine” with maps of many cities of the world to you “transform” in nest cities.

3)- The 10 Nest Cities, which were built from bird nests. Each nest city has its own text performing in a semiotic way over its map:

“Aestiva is a city that is rebuilt every day in an attempt to untangle its streets. The result is this: the more it is untangled, the more tangled it gets. Aestiva residents always carry a compass in their pockets. And they like it like that because, the more tangled things get, the safer they feel.”

4)- The pdf book : The ten cities, with their ten texts in English and Portuguese simultaneouly, to you download and print.

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