Call for creative proposals papers / performances / presentations (deadline November 20th).
post _ moot: a 2nd convocation of unorthodox cultural and poetic practices
April 22-25, 2010, Miami University of Ohio
The second Post-Moot Convocation, an international conference to be held at Miami in spring of 2010 to foster creative exchange among poets in the early 21st Century, will present papers / performances / presentations on a range of contemporary issues in poetics.
Topics will likely include but will not be restricted to (we welcome other formulations):
– ecopoetics
– issues of writing and power
– postconceptualist poetics
– performance and performance writing
– spatiality
– the book as object
– poetic economies
– sound / noise
– versions
– state of lyric
– signifying on older poetic traditions
– translation
– electronic archives
Proposals should take account of the fact that upwards of 50 people are likely to be included in the program. In other words we can consider presentations that have extended duration, but we hope not to get into exhaustive parallel paneling and hope for proposals of between 15-25 mins on average. We have a variety of presentation / performance venues available, dependent upon proposals. We can host work by participants unable to attend in person.
We look forwards to hearing from you: the post _ moot collective (Maria Auxiliadora Alvarez, Tammy Brown, cris cheek, WIlliam R. Howe, Cathy Wagner)
please respond to: postmoot [at]
post _ moot 1 occurred in 2006, with generous participation from Michael Basinski, Brian Brown, Peter Castaldo, Rachel Chase, cris cheek, Pete Drummond, Steph Elstro, Alan Golding, K. Lorraine Graham, Kevin R. Hollo, William R. Howe, jUStin katKO, Claire Keys, Steven Paul Lansky, Kirsten Lavers, Mel Nichols, Tom Orange, Camille Paloque-Berges, Nicole Proctor, Linda Russo, Rod Smith, Joshua Strauss, Rodrigo Toscano, Keith Tuma, Mark Wallace, Leigh Waltz, Tyrone Williams, Aaron Yandrich.
post _ moot featured readings; screenings; book launches; a bookateria; curated digital stations; papers; panel discussions and performances