Opportunity to contribute feedback to forthcoming book: Thinking through Digital Media

Thinking through Digital Media: Transnational Environments and Locative Places by Patricia Zimmermann and Dale Hudson charts the intersections between histories and theories for conventional forms of documentary and experimental practices developed from analogue media and one for current digital forms, particularly ones that run across distributed networks like the Internet or partly transcend screens altogether as locative media. New media domains for documentary and experimental practice are increasingly based on explorations of code and user interface, interrogations and applications of archives and databases, automated recombinatory techniques, and provocative performance.

See complete proposal as part of Palgrave’s experiment in open peer review and add your comments and suggestions, including ones for works of new media art, locative and tactical media.



27 January 2014 – An open and transparent peer review trial for academic books in the humanities and social sciences has been launched today by Palgrave Macmillan. The trial, which is live at www.palgraveopenreview.com, will run for six weeks and is the first open peer review trial for book proposals. Academics from all disciplines, in all locations and at all stages in their career are encouraged to take part.
Open peer review can refer to any model, which increases transparency in the peer review process. We’ve placed selected book proposals and associated sample chapters on this publicly-accessible website and are inviting comment from anyone who feels they can contribute to the development of these works.
We see this trial as an opportunity to learn about what sort of feedback is possible and useful in this context and to contribute to the academic community’s understanding of open peer review.