GLUON x Brain & Emotion Lab, University of Maastricht (NL)
Maastricht, NL
6 March 2017 — 8 May 2017
18 December 2016, 11:00 (GMT+1) PM.
Gluon invites artists to submit proposals for the development and production of new work in collaboration with the Brain and Emotion Laboratory, a research group that is part of the department of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Maastricht (NL).
Gluon offers a two-month residency at the Brain and Emotion Laboratory lead by Prof. Beatrice De Gelder. The goal of the residency is to create a new artwork which integrates and/or reflects upon the innovative technological and scientific developments researched by the Brain and Emotion Laboratory.
Therefore we invite you – artists – to develop, in collaboration with the researchers from the Brain and Emotion Laboratory, a prototype for a new artwork. The group investigates emotion and cognition in humans. Their projects include investigations of emotion and cognition in neurologically intact participants, but also in patients with focal brain lesions, and prosopagnosia, neuropsychiatric populations such as people with schizophrenia, autism and Williams syndrome. They use behavioral methods, electrophysiology, EMG, as well as functional imaging.
Focus areas :
Non-conscious recognition in patients with cortical damage
The group has carried out novel research on the ability of patients with striate cortex lesions to identify the emotional meaning of visual stimuli of which they are not aware. Such non-conscious recognition was hitherto not deemed possible in these patients. The group has also recently developed a new, indirect methodology for studying non-conscious recognition of facial expressions.
Emotional expression in whole bodies
The computer crashes. What do we do? Self-consciously scratch our heads, fruitlessly fiddle with the computer, tear our hair and nervously bite our lips. Even though we don’t utter a single word, anybody watching would know exactly what’s going on inside. Our body language is part of us. Because emotions, gestures and facial expressions are linked up in the brain, even people who were born deaf and blind will turn down the corners of their mouths to express sadness and smile to show that they are happy.
Face recognition and its deficits
The research team has carried out a wide variety of studies in this area. The most important finding to date has been that prosopagnosics’ face identification performance was improved by inversion of face stimuli (the opposite is true for normal subjects). The theoretical implications of this paradoxical “inversion superiority” phenomenon in these patients have been incorporated into a new theory of face processing.
Multisensory perception and the interaction between auditory and visual processes
Cross-modal integration in speech perception, audio-visual localisation and the perception of affect are all investigated. The latter research concerns the interaction between identification of the emotional expression portrayed in the face simultaneously with the tone of voice in which sentences are spoken .
For more information about the groups expertise, please see: www.beatricedegelder.com and the website of University Maastricht
You will get the opportunity to develop your ideas and a prototype together with the researchers of the Brain and Emotion Laboratory. This can be an application, a maquette, mock-ups, code or 3D-visualisations, etc. Next to the labs of Brain and Emotion, the workshops of Gluon’s partners are at your disposal (Fablabs, Medialabs) for further development of the prototype.
For the development and production of the prototype Gluon will grant up 5000 EUR to maximum one artist.
Application procedure:
– Submit your proposal before 18 December 2016, 11:00 (GMT+1) PM. Applications are only accepted via the online application system, see here.
– Applications received after the deadline of 18 December 2016, will not be accepted.
– Complete applications must include the following information:
—- Contact information
—- Biography – Max. 500 characters, spaces incl.
—- CV – Max . 1500 characters, spaces incl.
—- Description of the project including:
—- —- Abstract of the project (2500 characters)
—- —- Description of the technological innovative potential of the project (1000 characters)
—- —- Description of the technical (skills) of the researcher you need or that you already collaborating with (1000 characters)
—- —- Objective and expected outcome (500 characters)
—- Images – Max. 3
– This call is open to national and international candidates
The application deadline is 18 December 2016, 11:00h (GMT+1) PM
Applicants will be informed of their application status before 23 December 2016
The residency will run from 6 March 2017 till 8 May 2017
For the development and production of the installation Gluon will grant up 5000 EUR to maximum one artist.
Gluon will work closely with the artists and researchers to see their projects realized by offering technical and artistic guidance.
More information:
For full information and how to apply, check www.gluon.be or send an e-mail to: info [at] gluon.be
Gluon is a ‘workshop of the future’ that supports multidisciplinary initiatives, in which artists play an important role. Through the development and production of Art&Development labs, lectures, exhibitions and workshops for students Gluon maximises cross collaboration between artists, researchers and industries. By connecting artists, researchers and entrepreneurs, innovative ideas arise that an individual could not think of on his own. This approach results in a critical reflection upon technological and scientific developments, but it also stimulates innovation and experiment in non-creative environments.