Collide@CERN Ars Electronica Award
Open call: deadline Jun 23, 2015
With the support of the European Digital Art and Science Network, CERN and Ars Electronica are issuing their latest worldwide open call. From April 30 to June 23, 2015, artists can apply for a Collide@CERN Ars Electronica Award and thus be the recipient of an eight-week residency at CERN followed by a stay in Linz at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. In July, a jury made up of representatives of CERN and Ars Electronica will decide which artist will be traveling to Switzerland for an encounter with the world’s largest particle accelerator. The winner will be officially presented at the Ars Electronica Festival September 3-7, 2015.
Entries to the exhibition:
Partners: Ars Electronica, Linz; Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade; DIG Gallery, Košice; Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana; GVArt, London; LABoral, Gijon; Science Gallery, Dublin; Zaragoza City of Knowledge Fundation, Zaragoza); ESO – European Southern Observatory, Chile.
More about the project:
Project is Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.