Graphic, Photo and Audiovisual Digital work.
A project about mass media and it’s influence in our life.
notelevision @
This project criticizes to all mass media that in these moments controls the conscience of the captive audiences that are given to their dominion by means of simple entertainment and absurd known like trash content that manipulates the way of think and to act of these spectators in different parts from the orb without concerning races, or social conditions.
Through of some images, audiovisual works and texts we consider several questions that look for answer in nowadays and in introspection of life like an interface similar to the one of the channel of musical and videos programs well known on the planet (and from which we have taken the freedom to parody it) in such a way that the same association of these images and sounds that anyone has seen sometimes in front of a television set with a remote control in hand, so we want to request to graphic and audiovisual artists to contribute with your work to this virtual gallery, and coming an exhibiton in places that will be announced.
The project is open for everyone who wants to collaborate. No fee is required.
You could send your collaboration for graphic and photo in JPG format, 300 dpi, RGB, 2 MB max. For video or audiovisual collaborations please send a mail to give you an FTP account to upload it in MP4 or QuickTime format.
July 30, 2007