New Media Writing Prize

New Media Writing Prize 2016 shortlist announced

The judges have chosen the following pieces as their shortlists for 2016.

Please follow the links to view these innovative and inspiring works. Remember that the prizes will be announced and presented on January 18th at the Awards Evening at Bournemouth University. If you want to attend the evening, please go to: Eventbrite

For the MAIN Prize:
An/Other Time by Anita Bacic (Vimeo password: obscura)
The Gathering Cloud by J.R. Carpenter
Ms. Lojka or: In Despair to Will to Be Oneself, by Jordan Magnuson
A Nervous System by Jason Nelson
Aimisola by Alvaro Seica and Sinde Sorensen
500 Apocalypses by Phantom Williams

For the Student Prize:
MetaQuest by Daniel Cockcroft
Meet in the Corner by Rin Johnson (use Chrome rather than Safari; NB contains explicit language)
The Dying Mind by Jamie Paddock

For the Dot Award, and the Gorkana Awards, please visit again soon!