the inaugural journal of Neurocreator introduces a different way of looking at how creators do what we do.
From the traditions of general semantics, neuro-linguistics, changework therapies and the latest explorations of neuroscience comes an approach that is already transforming creators’ lives.
For instance, the concepts of inspiration and the muse are based on very old ideas – such as the belief system of the Roman Empire and their gods! Surely in the 21st Century we can get closer to the reality of the creative process? offers a new and effective approach. In this issue:
– interviews with artists & illustrators
– what neuroscience is discovering about music
– designing websites with neuro-linguistics
– an introduction to general semantics
– meditation & yoga
– media & art reviews using the neurocreator model
– a call for more creative producers in the arts
– 50 pages ideal for smartphone and desktop viewing
Neurocreator techniques are used everyday at Creator College, based in the
centre of Hull – UK City of Culture 2017. So this is not only a cohesive theoretical position but is practical and effective as we are researching new tools for the arts, education & creative industries.
– first 16 pages open FREE to all
– list owners please be in touch for FREE access code for complete journal
– £4.99 per quarterly issue, printed versions available to order online
We welcome submissions and articles from the fields of neuroscience, linguistics, general semantics, shamanic studies, changework therapies, creative industries and especially from teaching in the arts.
Please contact the editor with your ideas first because currently we have no budget for articles so do not want to take up your time with no reward. We will change this policy as subscriptions come in. Talk to Mal Williamson on .
We welcome created works too – using neurocreator techniques, understandings, explorations and responses.
We are in this to create value and enhancements for creative industries, education and artists. How can we all go that extra bit further with our work and success?
Contributors so far include artists, therapists, research scientists and educators – all exploring new considerations of the creative process and practice that combine up-to-date knowledge with these tried and tested methods.