In Leicester the city council through Leicester Libraries are organising promotions and events to celebrate National Year of Reading, including the search for Leicester’s Favourite Book (public nominations opened last week!) and a programme of events running from April – December. We will be promoting NYR through print and e-mail publicity including a dedicated brochure, JC Decaux poster campaign and our library newsletter which currently goes out to over 14,000 people, as well as features in LINK and other local media. You can find more details of NYR reading on the library website or blog:
National Year of Reading is a great opportunity to promote literacy, books and reading in Leicester so we hope that individuals and organisations will help support it. We’ll be sending out more information about NYR over the next few weeks, including publicity deadlines. You can see the websites above or contact me directly for more info. If you have specific ideas for events or other ways of getting involved with NYR please get in touch and of course we’ll be happy help with them where we can.
Many thanks
Damien Walter
Literature Development Officer
National Year of Reading
Frequently Asked Questions
What is National Year of Reading?
National Year of Reading (NYR) is a celebration of words in every form organised by the National Reading Trust and The Reading Agency on behalf of the Department of Children, Schools and Families. This is the second Year of reading, the first was in 1998. Libraries, schools, children services and all other organisations who have any involvement with reading, books and literature will be organising evenys as part of NYR 2008.
Is there a theme for National Year of Reading?
There is no single theme for NYR. There are a number of different priorities for the year and also a series of monthly themes, starting in April and finishing in December. More details of these can be found at the central NYR website (details below).
When is it happening?
NYR runs from January to December 2008, however most activities and media coverage will start in April 2008.
Why is it important?
Reading is one of the most fundamentally important activities in our society. From basic literacy skills to reading for pleasure, everyone can benefit from reading. Whether you love film scripts or manga, sci fi or song lyrics, whether you’re a teacher, teenager or train driver we’d like you to read more, and others to read more too, because reading is life changing. Every person or organisation who relies on reading has a part to play in NYR.
“The 2008 National Year of Reading will create a powerful focus of opportunities and activities so that children, families and adult learners understand the benefits that reading for pleasure and purpose can bring to change their lives.”
– Rt Hon Ed Balls MP, Secretary of State, DCSF
How can I get involved?
Anyone and everyone, young or old can take part. In Leicester there will be many ways to get involved with NYR. Help choose Leicester’s favourite book, or attend one of many reading related events, or just join the library and borrow a book!
If you are an individual or an organisation wanting to do more for National Year of Reading you can organise your own promotions and events. Contact the city Literature Development Officer (details below) for more information on how you can join in.
Where can I find out more?
You can find out all the latest news on NYR as it develops in Leicester either from the library website or blog:
The national website for NYR can be found at: