Multiplatform Production Toolkit four day practical lab – London, 22-25 January 2013

A Multiplatform How To for independent producers, web and game developers.

Crossover have launched their first ever open to all Crossover Lab supported by Creative Skillset. This four-day practical lab will take place between January 22 and 25 in central London. The key trainers will be our Charlie Phillips from Creative Skillset and Mark Atkin from Crossover. There will also be four visiting experts to be confirmed.

Aimed at independent producers, web and game developers from England this practical program will:

– Deliver fresh thinking about interactivity through user-centred design processes;
– Employ user-journeys as a tool for evaluating the success of interactive design;
– Enable you to articulate the inherent value of a project by defining and demonstrating an unsatisfied audience
– Help you understand how to create pitch documents for a multiplatform project that you can take out to the market;
– Help you know what you need and when and how much it will cost to crew and build a multiplatform project.

For more information and click here to register.
Email with any questions.