MediaGuardian Innovation Awards – deadline 5 December 2008

Call them what you like, but we are looking for the ideas that have moved things on across the media landscape in the last year. We’re not interested in the solid or predictable, or work that is safe, comfortable or familiar. The Megas aim to reward work that challenges what exists, and recognise the people who act as a catalyst for change with their forward thinking.

The awards are open to innovative work carried out across any media or a number of media. Entries can be submitted by clients, agencies or individuals from any sector. However, regional and national newspapers are not eligible. The closing date for entries is Friday December 5 2008.

In all categories the judging panel will be looking for innovation in both ideas and methods. The Megas will reward innovations which are ingenious in theory and sublime in application. The future is being built on the innovations of today. Has your work pushed things forward?

For more information and to enter visit