Love City at the IOCT Salon, February 1st 2007

Thursday 1st February 2007, 6.00pm – 7.30pm (free wine from 5.30pm)

The IOCT Salon is a regular event that highlights practice and practitioners in the digital arts. It takes place at the Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Admission is free, and members of the public are very welcome, It would be very helpful if you could email us to let us know you are coming ( info /at/ ), but just turning up on the night is also fine.

Love CityLove City – a mobile phone game between three cities

Love City is the new mobile phone game by Active Ingredient set to get hearts racing across the East Midlands on 14 February 2007. Players send messages of love between Nottingham, Derby and Leicester.

At this Salon Rachel Jacobs, co-creator of Love City, will talk about the project and Active Ingredient before the game’s launch on Valentine’s Day.

Text LOVE to 07785 200 350 to register for free updates about the game or email .



Love City website

Active Ingredient


The IOCT Salon ( ) is managed by Chris Joseph, Digital Writer in Residence at the Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University. This residency is funded by Arts Council England: East Midlands.For further information about the IOCT Salon please email Chris: info /at/ . To be notified of future events please join the mailing list on the Salon website.The IOCT Salon is held at and staged by De Montfort University and the Institute of Creative Technologies, and is supported by Arts Council England and the Literature Development Network.