Language Game[s]: Poetry, Logic and Artificial Language, London, 5 May 2017

Language Game[s]: Poetry, Logic and Artificial Language
10am – 6pm Friday, 5 May 2017
Banqueting Suite, Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU

A one-day symposium and pop-up exhibition, Language Game[s] will include presentations, performances and creative works drawn from the fields of philosophy, artificial intelligence, robotics, science, poetry, linguistics and ‘other’.

Language Game[s] considers the association between language and human consciousness, and how developments in technology might affect this relationship. Language Game[s] proposes to examine the following questions: what is language as a primary human technology, and how are both language and us, being changed due to the rise of artificial/simulated language systems? In short: what is language, when it is no longer made by humans, but by a machine? Can a machine produce poetry in anything but name?

Where does meaning lie in language? Philosophical discourses tend to assume that language is something produced by human beings. Is linguistic meaning supplied by human consciousness, or does it take place in the material act of expression (speech/writing)? If meaning in language resides within ‘the human’ and is an expression of thinking, then what happens when language migrates to machines?

At present, Artificial Language systems (such as Siri and/or Amazon Echo) mimic the forms of human speech, but cannot replicate the cognitive processes which lie behind language. As technology develops and Artificial Language systems become ever more autonomous, how will this affect us?

9.45-10.15 – Registration
10.15-10.30 – Introduction by Sheena Calvert
10.30-11.15 – Ken Hollings – Spambot EVP Poetics: Smalltalk for Lonely Ghosts
11.15-11.45 – Anna Ridler and Georgina Ward Dyer – Action Tells his Story
11.45-12.00 – Refreshment Break
12.00-12.30 – Professor Mark Coeckelbergh – Language as Technology and Technology as Language
12.30-1.00 – Kyran Joughin – The Computer says yes I said yes I will Yes. She, Her, Eve.
1.00-2.00 – Lunch
2.00-2.30 – Hannah Lammin – Performing Machine Language: from Automatic Writing to the Transcendental Computer
2.30-2.45 – Iris Colomb/Poet – ‘Say’
2.45-3.00 – Marilyn Allen – A Dialogic Interrelation with the Electronic Other
3.00-3.15 – Mark Leahy – His Voice
3.15- 3.30 – Refreshment Break
3.30 – 4.15 – Alan Winfield – When robots tell each other stories – the emergence of artificial fiction
4.15 – 4.45 – Concluding thoughts and Audience Questions
4.45 – Drinks Reception/Exhibition

Convened by Dr Sheena Calvert and presented by Camberwell, Chelsea, Wimbledon Graduate School Public Programme.

Booking Essential. Book your place here: