video art screenings
Dear video artists – will be doing regular video art screenings through the year of 2007, mainly at espaço 27, a venue who have recently open.
We invite you to send works to be selected for the screenings.
To apply for participation is very simple.
Send the works in the format of your preference:
The ideal would be dvd-video, and a dvd with data (mpegs or avis in).
In a doc, or txt file through EMAIL, with the following information:
Name of the work(s)
Name of the artist(s)
Email(s) of the artist(s)
Date of completion of the work(s)
Short description of the work(s)
Biography is optional
1 to 5 stills of each video.
Last event was laisle relax:
To see all the events:
We always notify when the video selected will be used.
To send the information use:
Send your hard copies of your work to:
Carlo Sansolo
Rua Conde Lage 68 ap 804
Glória, Rio de Janeiro
Cep 20241-080