Kings Place has teamed up with Network Rail to create the world’s first ‘mobile poetry competition’, focused on neighbouring Kings Cross Station. People travelling into Kings Cross in the mornings are invited to submit Haiku-style poems on the subject of the British Summer from their mobile phones, using Twitter, and gain a chance to see their work displayed on the largest digital advertising board at Kings Cross. As well as appearing on the main digital screen at Kings Cross, some of the Haikus appear below – check back to look out for yours.
To enter, just “tweet” your Haiku using your existing Twitter account with the phrase @kingsplace at the begining and it will be picked up by the Kings Place Twitter account.
The competition will run between Monday 18 May and Friday 22 May, with the entered Haikus being submitted to Yoko Ono and leading UK poet Jackie Kay MBE for judging. The best haiku poet will be awarded free entrance for themselves and a friend to the Words on Monday events at Kings Place for the rest of the year. In line with the traditional seasonal focus of the Haiku form, the Great British Summer Haiku Competition will encourage writers to reflect on the coming of Summer and what it means to them.