ISWC09 – 13th Annual symposiumo on Wearable Computers, Austria – first deadline 1 February 2009

ISWC’09, the thirteenth annual IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, is the premier forum for wearable computing and issues related to on-body and worn mobile technologies. ISWC’09 will bring together researchers, product vendors, fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and related professionals to share information and advances in wearable computing. ISWC’09 explicitly aims to broaden its scope to include cell phones and cell phone applications as they have become the most successful wearable computer to date.

ISWC’09 invites participants to submit original work in one or more of the following formats: full papers, notes, posters, late breaking results, demonstrations, videos, tutorials and workshops. As already successfully performed in the past, this year’s ISWC also invites for a contest of wearable system designs, encouraging academic and industrial design, media and art authorities to submit conceptual work in a creative, inspiring, innovative and future oriented style.

For the first time, ISWC’09 will publish adjunct proceedings which will include the late breaking results, video papers, demonstrations, design papers of selected workshops.

For further information, visit the ISWC website at:

Submission deadlines:
Papers & Posters: March 30
Workshops & Tutorials: February 1
Late Breaking Results: May 18
Design Contest: May 18

ISWC’09 will be held from September 4-7, 2009 in Linz (Austria)
Tutorial/Workshops September 4, Doctoral Colloquium September 4
Main Conference September 5-7, 2009
For further information contact info [at] , or visit the website at