An intentionally provocative and thought-provoking article in the Guardian last weekend by Andrew Gallix, I wish I could comment further on this one, but I’m too busy creating the anti-climaxes at the moment to spend a decent amount of time talking about them ;)
I do particularly like Dene Grigar’s comment in the discussion beneath the article:
“Isn’t it a tiny bit ironic that folks reading the Guardian online and seeming so comfortable in its electronic environment may eschew another form of writing that was once only found in print-based contexts?” (Sep 25 08, 3:57pm)
For some earlier and similar discussions see –
- Lit. [r]evolutions : Digital vs print by Jess Laccetti
- Does storytelling change in context of new forms of media? by Katie Haegele
- Embrace the Textual Revolution by Chris Meade, and my response to that discussion here
- Authors, literature and the screen by James Bridle and my response here
- Transliteracy: Crossing Divides, by Sue Thomas, Chris Joseph, Jess Laccetti, Bruce Mason, Simon Mills, Simon Perril, and Kate Pullinger