Introduction to open source 3D printing – London, 10 August 2013, 10:00 – 16:30

Unit 8
Dye House Lane
London, E3
United Kingdom

About the tutor:

Ian Lewis….

I’ve been captivated by 3D printing since I first saw it last year. I followed the original Brook Drumm Kickstarter for Printerbot, but I could never really justify the cost to myself.

Finally, at the end of last year I couldn’t wait any longer and ‘bit the bullet’ and have never looked back.

I have now set up my own company supplying kits and assembled 3D printers. It’s early days yet and I run it alongside a full time job. I have help run a few workshops on 3D printing and will happily talk about 3D printing and the technology for ever!

I have designed some 3D printer parts and accessories to make the kits I have more user friendly.

Course outline:

Introduction to 3D Printing Technology.
A brief coverage of other forms of 3D printing and their pros and cons.
In depth look at Additive Manufacturing process.
The Printer, the different type of filament and their pros and cons.
The features of a 3D printer and look at some printed examples (good and bad).
The workflow to print an item.
Finish up with setting something printing.
Introduction to Sketchup.
Creating and working with basic shapes and 3D text.
Joining items, extruding shapes and exporting files for printing.
Using Netfabb Basic to fix problems in files and to orientate items for effecting printing.
Run through the workflow again
Print designs.

Prior Prep:
If possible bring your laptop to have the freedom to run through the exercises individually.

Software that needs to be installed beforehand:
Netfabb Studio basic