International Handbook of Internet Research

Edited by Jeremy Hunsinger, Lisbeth Klastrup, and Matthew Allen

Over 600 pages
With co/authors from: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, India, North America, South America
From a wide variety of fields and perspectives.


The New Media, the New Meanwhile, and the Same Old Stories
Steve Jones

Jeremy Hunsinger and Matt Allen

Are Instant Messages Speech?
Naomi S. Baron

From MUDs to MMORPGs: The History of Virtual Worlds
Richard A. Bartle

Visual Iconic Patterns of Instant Messaging: Steps Towards Understanding Visual Conversations
Hillary Bays

Research in e-Science and Open Access to Data and Information
Matthijs den Besten, Paul A. David, and Ralph Schroeder

Toward Information Infrastructure Studies: Ways of Knowing in a Networked Environment
Geoffrey C. Bowker, Karen Baker, Florence Millerand, and David Ribes

From Reader to Writer: Citizen Journalism as News Produsage
Axel Bruns

The Mereology of Digital Copyright
Dan L. Burk

Traversing Urban Social Spaces: How Online Research Helps Unveil Offline Practice
Julie-Anne Carroll, Marcus Foth, and Barbara Adkins

Internet Aesthetics
Sean Cubitt

Internet Sexualities
Nicola Döring

After Convergence: YouTube and Remix Culture
Anders Fagerjord

The Internet in Latin America
Suely Fragoso and Alberto Efendy Maldonado

Campaigning in a Changing Information Environment: The Anti-war and Peace Movement in Britain
Kevin Gillan, Jenny Pickerill, and Frank Webster

Web Content Analysis: Expanding the Paradigm
Susan C. Herring

The Regulatory Framework for Privacy and Security
Janine S. Hiller

Toward Nomadological Cyberinfrastructures
Jeremy Hunsinger

Toward a Virtual Town Square in the Era of Web 2.0
Andrea Kavanaugh, Manuel A. Perez-Quinones, John C. Tedesco, and William Sanders

“The Legal Bit’s in Russian”: Making Sense of Downloaded Music
Marjorie D. Kibby

Understanding Online (Game)worlds
Lisbeth Klastrup

Strategy and Structure for Online News Production – Case Studies of CNN and NRK
Arne H. Krumsvik

Political Economy, the Internet and FL/OSS Development
Robin Mansell and Evangelia Berdou

Intercreativity: Mapping Online Activism
Graham Meikle

Internet Reagency: The Implications of a Global Science for Collaboration, Productivity, and Gender Inequity in Less Developed Areas
B. Paige Miller, Ricardo Duque, Meredith Anderson, Marcus Antonius Ynalvez, Antony Palackal, Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo, Paul N. Mbatia, and Wesley Shrum

Strangers and Friends: Collaborative Play in World of Warcraft
Bonnie Nardi and Justin Harris

Trouble with the Commercial: Internets Theorized and Used
Susanna Paasonen

(Dis)Connected: Deleuze’s Superject and the Internet
David Savat

Language Deterioration Revisited: The Extent and Function of English Content in a Swedish Chat Room
Malin Sveningsson Elm

Visual Communication in Web Design – Analyzing Visual Communication in Web Design
Lisbeth Thorlacius

Feral Hypertext: When Hypertext Literature Escapes Control
Jill Walker Rettberg

The Possibilities of Network Sociality
Michele Willson

Web Search Studies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Web Search Engines
Michael Zimmer

Appendix A: Degree Programs
Appendix B: Major Research Centers and Institutes

as described on the backmatter:

This handbook, the first of its kind, is a detailed introduction to the numerous academic perspectives we can apply to the study of the internet as a political, social and communicative phenomenon. Covering both practical and theoretical angles, established researchers from around the world discuss everything: the foundations of internet research appear alongside chapters on understanding and analyzing current examples of online activities and artifacts. The material covers all continents and explores in depth subjects such as networked gaming, economics and the law.

The sheer scope and breadth of topics examined in this volume, which ranges from on-line communities to e-science via digital aesthetics, are evidence that in today’s world, internet research is a vibrant and mature field in which practitioners have long since stopped considering the internet as either an utopian or dystopian “new” space, but instead approach it as a medium that has become an integral part of our everyday culture and a natural mode of communication.

(I don’t know if it was the first of the kind published, but I think it was the first done this way -jh)

Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Virginia Tech sts wiki Transdisciplinary Studies:the book series