InterAccess submissions – deadline 1 December 2008

InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre in Toronto accepts submissions of original projects from emerging, mid-career and established artists, curators and collectives on an annual basis. Our mission is to expand the cultural space of technology, and we achieve this through diverse activities in our gallery and production facilities. We are seeking proposals for our 1,000 sq. ft. gallery space at Queen and Ossington in the heart of Toronto’s Queen West Gallery district. We support electronic, interactive and new media works which explore this territory in unique critical ways, including connections and cross-over with sculpture, installation, video, site-specific work and performance art.

This year, InterAccess is prioritizing projects which can facilitate ties with the production studio, and artists who can lead workshops in conjunction with their exhibitions. We are selecting works for our 2010 and 2011 programming years. We also encourage artists working with ideas of scale (size, music, the law, lizards?) to submit work for 2010.

Application Deadline: 1 December, 5:00 p.m.

For more information, type the words help and me and put a period in-between them, then the interaccess dot org part.