Institute Of Creative Technologies: PhD Symposium
IOCT Lab, Friday July 13th, 2012
The IOCT PhD Symposium will take place on Friday July 13th 10.30-4.30 in the IOCT Main Lab on Gateway St, Leicester. If you wish to attend the symposium, you must sign the ‘doodle’ at
Numbers are strictly capped at 50. There are already 10 speakers, so that leaves 40 places. These will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
10.30 Arrival and coffee
10.45 Welcome (Professor Andrew Hugill)
11.00 Sean Clark: Can technology based art ever bring us closer to nature?
11.20 Francesca Franco: Art, Technology and the Venice Biennale, 1966-1986.
11.40 Jackie Calderwood: Hunter Gatherer: Data from a GeoArtCache commission in the Yorkshire Dales
12.00 -- 12.20 Break
12.20 Bill Butterworth: How may we use digital technologies to promote health and wellbeing in the designed environment?
12.40 (via Skype) Mohammad Lataifeh: Using Design Thinking to Facilitate Information Technology Service
1.00--2.00 Buffet lunch
2.00 David Croft: Approximate reasoning techniques in digital search
2.20 Gerardo Saucedo: Developing a design methodology for digital historical characters: Virtual Roman Leicester 210 AD.
2.40 Monica Pianosi: Enhancing environmental citizenship and reducing energy consumption through creative engagement with building users
3.00 Break
3.20 Lee Scott: Digital opera: a roadmap to research
3.40 Jason P. Smith: Lost in the Post: How Post-Modernism just doesn’t cut it as a definition or a movement.
4.00 Tea and Plenary discussion, chaired by Prof Hugill: Building the community of PhD researchers in the IOCT - issues and questions
4.30 Close