HandsOn – Games and Interactives for Social Change, London, 30 September 2008


HandsOn Games and Interactive Digital for Social Change is focused on bringing together best of practice developments, developers, innovators, and commissioners creating digital means to highlight important issues and aid social change.

Join us for an afternoon of demos, peer meeting, discussion and hands on experiences with a wide range of developers and users of games and interactives for social change. The aims of the day are to:

* Experience and experiment with games and interactive digital creations developed for social change and to highlight important issues.

* Learn and share ideas and designs from practitioners’ experience of creating and disseminating games for social change – focus on the opportunities to play with the end results.

* Build a collective view of the state of the field – do we have agreed parameters, how are we learning and adapting to the changing landscape of digital training?

* Debate important drivers shaping this field – new technologies, an increasingly growing sector, changing appetites among service users and innovators.

* Identify the priorities for further events, strengthen your networks and negotiate the collaborations that will help the field shift gear. The workshop is participatory.

Demo machines are on hand to engage with the projects.

Show and tell will be relaxed and speakers will provide impetus, but you will have ample opportunity to pursue your goals.

Games and Interactives on show :

DeadEnds by RollingSounds (about issues around knife crime in the UK)

FloodSim by PlayGen (about issues around flooding in the UK)

Climate Challange by Red Redemption (about issues around climate change)

GameLab – http://www.gamelablondon.com/ (more details coming soon)

Resist and Other development by Germination http://germination.co.uk/ (discussion from the point of view of producers commissioning a number of mechanisms for social change)

Darfur is Dying by Susana Ruiz – http://www.darfurisdying.com/

PeaceMaker by ImpactGames – http://www.peacemakergame.com

Disaffected by Persuasive Games

and more…

When : Tuesday 30th September 12:30 till 6:00 pm followed by Drinks at Hoxton Bar

Where : Shoreditch Building – 35 Kingsland Road, London. Nearest Tubes Old Street and Liverpool Street.

What : Demos, talks, group discussion, tech and apps to see, hear and play with.

Devised and hosted by PlayGen and supported by SEMN