Gallery Maskinen would like to invite you to submit your contribution to participate in a Machinima screening on 2 March 2010.
Machinima is the use of real-time three-dimensional (3-D) graphics rendering engines to generate computer animation. The term also refers to works that incorporate this animation technique which includes videos
recorded in computer games or virtual worlds.
Originally a practice that arose from the animated software introductions of the 1980´s demoscene, machinima is today a powerful artistic tool that promote the relationship between art and new technologies with the ability to reinterpret and re-code content from computer games and virtual worlds.
The machinima screening will take place the 2 March 2010 in HUMlab at the Umeå University in the northern part of Sweden. We are interested in any forms of machinima based work and you can contribute with as many works as you like. We prefer that you send the works, for example, via or to galleri.maskinen [at]
If this is not possible DVDs can be sent to:
Rasmus Albertsen
Glädjens Gränd 2, 0102
90363 Umeå
DEADLINE FOR WORK(S) 19 February 2010
The event will take place at the 2 March 2010 between 5 pm and 8 pm.
Maskinen is an artist-run, non-profit gallery. Our ambition is to run a nontraditional gallery that doesn’t necessarily work inside ”The White Cube” and give place to lesser-exposed trends in the different forms of
contemporary art. Established, as well as un-established artists are represented in Maskinen. More info:
HUMlab at Umeå University is a vibrant meeting place for the humanities and information technology. A large and diverse studio environment serves as the most important manifestation of this basic idea which involves bringing people together, looking at information technology as tool, medium, study object, and activist venue, and doing things that have never been done before.
HUMlab is localized at the very center of the campus, and attracts people from the whole university and from the outside. Many international visitors come to HUMlab, and there is often a number of simultaneous activities going on in the space. More info:
The development of HUMlab has been supported by the Kempe Foundations, the Knut and Alice Wallenber.