Furtherfield now on Resonance FM – A must listen!
Join us on Resonance 104.4FM – 8-9pm Tuesday 9th March 2010.
Furtherfield’s first programme on Resonance FM is a live, jam-packed, hour-long review of contemporary media arts culture. This week, Marc Garrett and Charlotte Frost will interview Douglas Dodds, Senior Curator at the V&A and Mztek founders, Sophie Macdonald & Sally Northmore. Other features include interviews with artists and curators recorded during the Crumb symposium, as part of this week’s AV Festival, in Newcastle. Noise-collages, soundscapes and exploratory music, will also be featured.
More information about featured guests:
Douglas Dodds is co-curator of the exhibition ‘Digital Pioneers’ at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A). This is part of the Computer Art & Technocultures project, an Arts and Humanities Research project studying the history of computer-generated art. The project is based jointly at Birkbeck and the Victoria and Albert Museum. This is exhibited in parallel with Decode: Digital Design Sensations
Sophie Macdonald and Sally Northmore are co-founders of Mztek. A non- profit collective with the aim of encouraging women artists to pick up technical skills in the fields of new media, computer arts, and technology. Based in London and supported by Hackney arts institution [ space ], hosting a range of women only workshops, talks, and self-initiated tinker sessions. http://www.mztek.org
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About Furtherfield.org
Furtherfield.org believes that through creative and critical engagement with practices in art and technology people are inspired and enabled to become active co-creators of their cultures and societies. Furtherfield.org provides platforms for creating, viewing, discussing and learning about experimental practices at the intersections of art, technology and social change. Furtherfield.org also runs HTTP Gallery in North London.
About ResonanceFM
ResonanceFM is “a laboratory for experimentation, that by virtue of its uniqueness brings into being a new audience of listeners and creators. All this and more, Resonance104.4fm aims to make London’s airwaves available to the widest possible range of practitioners of contemporary art.”
Resonance 104.4FM