From the Page to the Screen to Augmented Reality: New Modes of Language-driven Mediated Research – London, 12 July 2010

On the 12th July 2010 we are running a roundtable From the Page to the Screen to Augmented Reality: New Modes of Language-driven Mediated Research

as part of our project on
Language-Driven Mediated Research Practice –Kingston University

In order to develop language-driven collaborative research practice, we have set up a preliminary roundtable workshop involving scholars, writers, theoreticians and creative practitioners from Kingston University and other European Universities to discuss the relevance of new technologies in the creation of language mediated practice. We invite the participation of researchers, in particular, those who have just begun to consider the implications and possible use of new technologies in their research practice, as well as international researchers who have migrated from more traditional print-based research practices to multimedial and interdisciplinary research methods that make use of computers, networks, and mobile technologies.

The day will begin with the keynote Professor Jay David Bolter, Director of the Wesley New Media Center and Wesley Chair of New Media at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the author of Turing’s Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age (1984); Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing, (1991; second edition 2001); Remediation (1999), with Richard Grusin; and Windows and Mirrors (2003), with Diane Gromala. In addition to writing about new media, Bolter collaborates in the construction of new digital media forms. With Michael Joyce, he created Storyspace, a hypertext authoring system. With the AEL collaborators at Georgia Tech, he is helping to build Augmented Reality (AR) and mobile technology systems to stage dramatic and narrative experiences for art, entertainment and informal education. He is also working with colleagues at Georgia Tech on the theory and practice of performance in digital environments.

Sitting around the Table will be: Dr Serge Bouchardon (University of Technology of Compiegne–FR), Dr Scott Rettberg (Digital Cuture–UiB), Dr Maria Engberg (Blekinge Technical Institute–SWE) Talan Memmott (Blekinge Technical Institute–SWE), Dr Zuzana Husarova (Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia), Dr Laura Borrás (University of Barcelona SP) Kate Pullinger (De Montfort University UK) Joerg Piringer (Independent -Austria) Dr. Alexandra Saemmer (Paris 8-FR) Dr Thiresia Spilioti (Kingston University-UK) Dr Korina Giaxoglou (Kingston University-UK), Jerome Fletcher (University College Falmouth, UK), Prof. Martin Rieser (Institute of Creative Technologies and The Faculty of Art and Design at De Montfort, UK), Fiona Curran (Kingston University, UK), Judith Watts (Kingston University, UK) Dr. Maria Mencia (Kingston University-UK)
We will consider questions such as:

· What new opportunities for expression and registers of meaning do new technology platforms bring to fiction, poetry, and art?

· To what extent are born-digital genres remediating print, and to what extent are they mixing modalities of practice between literary and artistic orientations?

· How does electronic literature change the relationships between the author, the reader, and the text?

· How does the individual’s creative process work in a collaborative networked environment?

· How can critics and audiences engage with digital artifacts and experiences that are interdisciplinary in nature?

· To what extent do style, visual design, and aesthetics impact our interpretation of language-based works in digital environments?

· What are the distinctions between the materiality of the page, the screen, projections, installations, and works made for immersive or mobile environments?

· How can collaborative models of literary and artistic production in networked environments be considered in terms of authorship and literary production?

· What can traditional humanities researchers learn from the research methodologies of practicing electronic writers and digital artists about adapting their own research practice to contemporary network environments?

In t In the afternoon, some of participants from the roundtable will be presenting their work and there will be an opportunity for discussion.

If you’re interested, you can book online ( )
Soon there will be details of the programme at this address too.

It will be great to see you there

Very best wishes
María Mencía, Convenor of the event

Dr Maria Mencia
Artist/Senior Lecturer
Kingston University, London
United Kingdom
email: m.mencia [at]