First Transliteracy Workshop – De Montfort University, Leicester, 28 January 2008

At the Transliteracy Unconference in September 2007 the general consensus was that participants wanted a workshop day in which they could begin to make transliterate objects. The fact that no-one could actually describe what these might be like added an extra frisson to the idea. We have now set a date to try to explore this further.

The first Transliteracy Workshop will take place on Monday 28 January 2008, in the Institute of Creative Technologies at De Montfort University, Leicester. We will begin at 10.30am with coffee and registration and end at 4pm. Beyond that, the structure of the day will be planned by the participants. Lunch will be included and, weather permitting, perhaps an IOCT stroll.

There are a small number of spaces available so we are making them available to readers of this blog on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested in attending please email Bruce (bmason01 at dmu dot ac dot uk) or Sue (Sue dot Thomas at dmu dot ac dot uk) as soon as possible to reserve a place.

The question of the materials required to make transliterate objects is obviously an engaging one. Of course we will no doubt be using the digital, but we expect to work with other materialities too, so if you wish to come along we would like to know:
(a) what materials/equipment you will bring to contribute?
(b) what materials/equipment you would like us to try to source, bearing in mind we have a limited budget.

If you can’t attend but are interested in sharing ideas please add some comments to this post and we’ll see if we can find ways to add them into the day.

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