FILE Labo, the new media laboratory of Electronic Language International Festival, is now launching its first call for project proposals.
If you have an idea and are an artist, a designer, a programmer, an engineer, a scientist, or if you have developed any work for your university or for yourself, and always found it an interesting work, but which ended up in the sidelines, now you can send it to FILE-LABO.
The LABO is a free territory for creation and invention; an independent and collaborative network for the development of art, science and technology, located in São Paulo, at the SESI Vila Leopoldina Cultural Center, and devised under a platform of collaboration among creators and professionals of different areas. There, you will find collaborators from technical, theoretical, and political-cultural areas, who will follow and support the development of your proposal.
Send your project or idea through the proper submission form in the site. Later on, there will be a project selection by a laboratory’s professional commission.
FILE-Labo will prioritize projects and ideas that can really be developed by the laboratory within the maximum period of one year.