Kate Southworth, from iRes and Glorious Ninth, explores ideas of free software and open source as an area of contemporary art. The talk will provide a context for SUPERFLEX’s FREE BEER project, which is currently being exhibited at Tate St Ives and within the Public Realm.
The talk is FREE and booking can be made through Tate St Ives on 01736 796226 or email
Further Information on Kate Southworth
Kate Southworth is an artist and researcher. With Patrick Simons she is a founding member of the art group Glorious Ninth – producers of distributed artworks, DIY installations and invisible networks. Current experiments into co-poetic relationships between code and ritual find form as aural-visual works, installations, performative presentations and texts, and expose their ongoing aesthetic and political attempts to evade systems of control.
Recent works, such as November and love_potion, use magic, tactical gardening and social networks to recover knowledge of herbs and healing from commercial control and to share it as common knowledge. Glorious Ninth’s work has been exhibited in academic, gallery and online contexts.
Kate received BA (Hons) in Fine Art and an MSc in Multimedia Systems. She has taught Media Art subjects at Universities in London, Dublin and Cornwall. Currently she is leader of the iRes Research Group in Interactive Art & Design at University College Falmouth where, for the last five years, she has been Course Leader of MA Interactive Art & Design.
iRes is a research cluster, based at University College Falmouth, that aims to develop experimental interactive artworks, designs, software tools and environments that contribute to and support ethical interaction with other human beings within the context of the so-called ‘information society’.
Glorious Ninth
Glorious Ninth is a collaborative partnership between Internet and Interactive artist Kate Southworth and composer and sound artist Patrick Simons. Their work explores aesthetic, political, theoretical and conceptual approaches to knowing the world. The space between their different approaches is Glorious Ninth.