English students create their own versions of Inanimate Alice

Story added March 16 by LaToya S., Theresa K., Diana M., Mitchell C., Angie E.

Story added March 16 by Kevin A., James N., David H.

Story added March 16 by Sean R., Adam S., Justin G., DJ B., Ryan S., Ariel S.

Story added March 16 by Ryan L., Matt L., Erik B., Stephen T., Anna H.

Story added 25 March 2009 by 3rd period

Story added 25 March 2009 by 6th period

Story added 25 March 2009 by 7th period


Teacher Diane Aronow provides background on students that have created work inspired by the Inanimate Alice series:

They are all high school special education students, many with learning disabilities, and many that really dislike reading and writing. When I first discovered the Inanimate Alice episodes, I thought they would be perfect for my students. I made up a Unit for them, including some ideas from the educational pack your site provides and adding some of my own ideas. The images, sound, and interactivity truly engaged them and still lent itself to “teaching” literary elements such as setting, mood, characterization. When we completed the 4 episodes, my students couldn’t stop asking, “When is Episode 5 coming out?” I finally said, “You guys are going to create your own!” I had 4 different classes, each working as a collaborative group. They used a program called PhotoStory 3, which I’m guessing is similar to iStories. My students wished they could have had their episodes “do more”, such as moving text, or clicking on objects, etc. Overall they were happy with their results. I actually had them use an evaluative rubric to score them to see which episode “won”. It was a great learning experience.


iTeach Inanimate AliceSee the educational area of the Inanimate Alice site (http://www.inanimatealice.com/education/) ] for more on the growing uses of Inanimate Alice to teach reading, creative writing and digital literacy.